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Here is the Google map of our place, that you can use and change to see the directions from your place of departure:
Directions from Cape Town:
Click on the image for google map directions or read the directions below:
Take the N2 towards the garden route: sommerset west, knysna....
7km before Swellendam, turn right at the "Malgas/Infanta" turn off (if you go over the bridge/river you have just missed it)
Follow the dirt road for about 41km. It turns to tar for a short bit (you can see the river and several houses here)
The road will turn back to a dirt road, go up the hill (about 500m) at the top of the hill you turn left into the "Breede Riverine" (big white gates)
Follow the drive way into the Riverine.
The River Queen is the Big double storey house near the petrol pump (you cant miss it)
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